Sunday, May 10, 2015

Betty MacDonald fan club founder Wolfgang Hampel and Betty MacDonald surprise

Dear mothers from all over the world,

Thank you so much for all your love and great work in the families.

Betty MacDonald and her mother Sydney Bard are unforgettable mothers.
Can you remember what Betty wrote about Sydney in Onions in the Stew?

If you are a mother send me the answer, please. 

You'll hear from me very soon.

We have a special Betty MacDonald Mother's Day Surprise for you. 

Wolfgang Hampel, author of the Betty MacDonald Biography interviewed Betty MacDonald's family and friends. We are going to publish new interviews on CD and DVD.

Wishing you a wonderful Mother's Day,


Betty MacDonald fan club

Betty MacDonald forum 

Betty MacDonald fan club founder Wolfgang Hampel

Betty MacDonald fan club items 

Betty MacDonald fan club items  - comments

Betty MacDonald fan club organizer Linde Lund 

Betty MacDonald with daughters Anne ( left ) and Joan in 1946