Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Wolfgang Hampel and his golden Betty MacDonald fan club items

 The Plague And I
Wolfgang Hampel - and Betty MacDonald fan club fans,

i'm very sad because I wasn't able to join Betty MacDonald Fan Club Royal Wedding Event in Stockholm.

Hurry up, please to complete the DVD. 

Daddy is waiting and he isn't patient at all.

It's last day today for joining Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle - and Betty MacDonald fan club book cover contest.
Don't miss it, please.

I hope you'll enjoy the new book cover.

Send your vote today for your favourite Betty MacDonald book cover, please.

Deadline: today!
Perhaps you'll be the owner of a signed first edition of one of Betty MacDonald's books. 
Updated Betty MacDonald updated  biography by Wolfgang Hampel  will be an outstanding Betty MacDonald fan club treasure.
Wolfgang Hampel's unique Betty MacDonald Interviews and his very funny poems are my favourites.
We can't praise enough Wolfgang Hampel's golden Betty MacDonald fan club items.
We will be able to read many fascinating info on Betty MacDonald and her brilliant sisters Mary Bard Jensen, Alison Bard Burnett and her son - Betty MacDonald fan club honor member Darsie Beck. 
Patrick Macnee  as Mr. Steed is unforgettable.

Diana Rigg  our ' Emma Peel ' is an excellent actor.

Did you ever see Diana Rigg as Arlena Marshall in Evil under the sun?

It's one of my favourite movies with Peter Ustinov and Maggie Smith. 
Not to forget the great music by Cole Porter.

I'd d like to meet  Betty MacDonald fan club honor member Mr. Tigerli in person.
The  ESC voting system has to be changed by European Broadcasting Union.

I didn't know that unique Sepp Blatter is also the King of Eurovison.

Only a joke!
France, Germany,  Spain and UK should leave Eurovision Song Contest because of these incredible unfair results.
These countries have to pay most of the money and what do they get every year? 
Nothing but only very bad results. 
Especially in case of Spain and Germany this year it's really a joke but a very bad one. 
It was a very smart decision of  Italy leaving ESC for many years.
In which years did these strange ESC juries rob Italy, Portugal, Germany and Spain several ESC victories?
Thank you so much in advance for your info.

Have breakfast at the bookstore with Brad  and Nick.
Brad's story is very touching. 
Guys all the best to you! 
Radio news!
Oh dear Greece!

Take care,


Betty MacDonald fan club

Betty MacDonald forum 

Betty MacDonald fan club founder Wolfgang Hampel

Betty MacDonald fan club items 

Betty MacDonald fan club items  - comments

Betty MacDonald fan club organizer Linde Lund