Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Wolfgang Hampel, Betty MacDonald and moving to Vashon Island

Betty MacDonald in the living room at Vashon on the cover of The Saturday Evening Post.

Wolfgang Hampel - and Betty MacDonald fan club fans,

great Betty MacDonald fan club news.

Betty MacDonald fan club fan club got many new fans from all over the world including Australia.

Welcome dearest Betty MacDonald fan club fans!  

A Betty MacDonald fan club fan from Canada is going to share a very important letter by Betty MacDonald.

Betty MacDonald mentions in detail the original version of The Egg and I and the differences with the final edition of her first book. 

Greta and her Betty MacDonald fan club research team are working on an article for Betty MacDonald fan club newsletter.

Imagine to read the exciting experiences of  Betty MacDonald and Claudette Colbert in Hollywood. 

There is also a letter by Betty MacDonald's sister unique sister Mary Bard Jensen with some very witty thoughts and comments.

You'll enjoy it very much. 
There will be an extra Betty MacDonald fan club article describing the new Betty MacDonald fan club treasure.

Betty MacDonald fan club founder Wolfgang Hampel and Betty MacDonald fan club research team are going to include all these new details and info in updated Betty MacDonald biography.

More info in Betty MacDonald fan club newsletter September. 

Wolfgang Hampel's new project Vita Magica is  fascinating because he is going to include Betty MacDonald, other members of the Bard family and Betty MacDonald fan club honor members.

Don't miss Brad Craft's 'More friends', please. 

New Betty MacDonald documentary will be very interesting with many interviews never published before.

We hope beloved  Betty MacDonald fan club honor member Mr. Tigerli  will be able to enjoy his life although he has to solve so many problems with some very hard headed politicans.

Brad Craft's 'More friends' is very interesting and you shouldn't miss it.

Betty MacDonald's very beautiful Vashon Island is a paradise.

Perhaps Eartha and I are going to move there one day.


Best wishes,

Anita and Eartha Kitt II

Vita Magica

Betty MacDonald fan club

Betty MacDonald forum  

Wolfgang Hampel - Wikipedia ( English ) 

Wolfgang Hampel - Wikipedia ( German )

Wolfgang Hampel - Ma and Pa Kettle - Wikipedia ( English ) 

Wolfgang Hampel in Florida State University 

Betty MacDonald fan club founder Wolfgang Hampel 

Betty MacDonald fan club interviews on CD/DVD

Betty MacDonald fan club items 

Betty MacDonald fan club items  - comments

Betty MacDonald fan club organizer Linde Lund